
draft crysis wars environment


Oprah Winfrey
 “I’m truly amazed that I, who started out in rural Mississippi in 1954 when the vision for a black girl was limited to be either a maid or a teacher in a segregated school, could end up here,” Winfrey, 57, said during the final broadcast  of “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, which first aired in 1986, drew about 12 million viewers. Taking advantage of her show’s popularity, Winfrey introduced O, The Oprah Magazine, created satellite radio shows, produced films and developed syndicated TV shows. 

lady gaga
Pop queen Lady Gaga concluded a huge European gay rights march with a rousing call to governments to defend gay rights. She merely said she was respectful of religion but that religions had to acknowledge and accept the diversity of people, as she believes that people have the same DNA. It is just they are ‘born this way'. "Today and every day we fight for freedom. We fight for justice. " with desire of equality, she shouted "We stand here to demand an end to intolerance," 

Jonathan Ive
People believe that for Apple, losing Jobs would be gravely unfortunate, allowing Ive to walk out the door would be suicidal. Ive evolved the PowerBook, the inspiration behind modern laptops. Apple products have never looked the same since and the newly promoted Ive went on to design the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad as well as every subsequent generation of Apple MacBook and iMac. If Jobs is the creative vision behind Apple, Ive is the man that makes those visions reality. Ive is the power behind the throne. 

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-25/winfrey-offers-farewell-love- letter-to-fans-as-program-ends-25-year-run.html



Newton & Agnesi
Building would only stand with basic structure which is a Complicated element contained simple elements.

Freud & Agnesi
Perception of a structure made of a myriad of materials creates a more dynamic environment.

Newton & Freud
Collaboration of Materials creates a space.



Newton & Agnesi
Building would only stand with basic structure which is a Complicated element contained simple elements.

Freud & Agnesi
Perception of a structure made of a myriad of materials creates a more dynamic environment.

Newton & Freud
Collaboration of Materials creates a space.